Paul Hogroian of Duplication Services at the Library of Congress sent me this 1942 photo that he scanned. It shows Mr. H. Ormand, jeweler in San Leandro, California, and his Westclox, Seth Thomas and Telechron clocks. Some of my favorite vintage clocks are here!
Mr. Ormand is holding a Westclox “Tide” windup alarm clock in a tan case. Westclox made this model from 1939 to 1941. Five Baby Ben style 5 alarm clocks and one Big Ben style 5 alarm clock are in this picture. Two “Shelby” style 1 are here, some “Bingo” style 2, and two partial views of the “Hustler”, not often seen (on the top, partially visible shelf).

1942 photo of Mr. H. Ormand, jeweler in San Leandro, California, holding a tan Westclox “Tide” windup alarm clock.
Clocks in the Picture
Partially visible top shelf
Westclox Hustler style 1, Bingo style 2, Shelby style 1 brown, Bingo style 2, Bingo style 2, Hustler style 1, Bingo style 2, Bingo style 2.
Top shelf
I like the look of short clock, tall clock, etc. on this shelf. Note there are four identical ivory Baby Ben alarm (perhaps it was a best seller)!
Westclox Baby Ben style 5 ivory plain, Telechron “Attendant” brown 7H85 electric alarm clock, Baby Ben style 5 ivory plain, Telechron “Attendant” ivory 7H85, Baby Ben style 5 gun metal luminous, Telechron “Attendant” brown 7H85, Baby Ben style 5 ivory plain, Big Ben style 5 Loud Alarm gun metal plain, Baby Ben style 5 ivory plain, Westclox Shelby style 1 ivory.
Second shelf
(Clock half shown) Seth Thomas “Vesta” electric time-only clock, Telechron “Fort” 5H61 electric time-only, Telechron “Resolute” 3H85, Telechron “Satellite” 5H59 time only clock with mirror in the center, Telechron “Melbourne” 3H83, Telechron “Embassy” 4F67, Thomas Deft-2.
Third shelf
(Clock half shown) Telechron “Supervisor” 7H107, Telechron “Secretary” 7H91, Telechron “New Telalarm” 7H93, Westclox “Andover”, Telechron “Secretary” 7H91, Telechron “Semester” CH7111, clock I can’t identify.
Seth Thomas “Spray” electric clock, Telechron “Kitchenguide” CH203.
Shelf below wall clocks
Telechron “Supervisor” 7H107, (clock partly shown) Telechron “Secretary” 7H91, Telechron “Cordial” 7H91, Telechron “Supervisor” 7H107, (clock partly shown) Telechron “Supervisor” 7H107.
Bottom shelf
Left – possibly an Ingraham electric mantel clock, Right – Seth Thomas “Medbury – 2E” electric Westminster chime clock.
Thanks to Paul Hogroian for sending me this picture. It is from the FSA collection (Library of Congress), negative number LC-USW3- 001804-D.
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